Story: The plot revolves around Rishi (Nikhil Siddhartha), a race car driver in London, who rekindles his romance with Tara (Rukmini Vasanth). Before Tara’s arrival, a chance meeting with Tulasi (Divyansha Kaushik) blossoms into romance, but it also brings unexpected conflict with a mafia don. Amidst dealing with two girlfriends and a dangerous criminal, Rishi must navigate these complexities to save his life.
Review: Directed by Sudheer Varma, Appudo Ippudo Eppudo features Nikhil Siddhartha, Rukmini Vasanth, and Divyansha Kaushik in the lead roles. The film attempts to blend romance and thriller elements, but its execution falls short due to an outdated and clichéd approach.
Nikhil Siddhartha delivers a sincere performance, embodying the lover-boy persona with conviction. Rukmini Vasanth, making her Telugu debut, brings a graceful presence to the screen, though her character lacks depth. Divyansha Kaushik has a more substantial role, adding intrigue to the plot. Both actresses deliver well within the scope of their characters. The supporting cast, including Viva Harsha and Ajay, provide competent performances. However, the antagonist, portrayed by John Vijay, despite his quirky and humorous outlook, fails to leave a significant impact as the story progresses. Satya and Sudharshan serve as narrators, adding humour as the narrative shifts back and forth.
Technically, the film’s London setting offers a visually appealing backdrop, well captured by cinematographer Richard Prasad. However, a lacklustre narrative and screenplay weigh the film down. The music by Karthik and background score by Sunny MR are adequate but do not significantly enhance the cinematic experience. The film also suffers from occasional continuity issues.
Overall, Appudo Ippudo Eppudo, while visually pleasing, fails to leave a lasting impression due to its conventional storytelling and lack of innovation.