Story: The film revolves around three friends: Santosh (Vikas Kanaka), Priya (Shanthi Priya), and Livingston (Somayajula Venkata Satya Prasad). They decide to spend their vacation at a farmhouse owned by Dr Darshini, a scientist. While exploring the farmhouse, they stumble upon a groundbreaking experiment that allows them to see into the future. Their excitement turns into dread when they discover a dead body. Will they solve the mystery and escape from the farmhouse?
Review: In an era where audiences crave unique and intriguing narratives, Darshini strives to get on the bandwagon. Director Pradeep Allu attempts to weave a tale that marries the suspense thriller genre with science fiction elements. The concept of foreseeing the future adds an intriguing twist, though the screenplay and writing feel prolonged and could have benefited from tighter editing.
The film begins on a dramatic note with Dr Darshini introducing her groundbreaking invention and eventually succumbing to the greed of an unknown sponsor. Soon, the plot transitions and introduces three friends Santosh, Priya, and Livingston, along with a romantic angle between Priya and Santosh. The first half of the movie sets up the premise, leading to a gripping interval where the friends face imminent danger. Pradeep Allu packs the second half with twists and revelations. Some work, but some don’t, as the screenplay faces continuity and logical gaps. Despite having a minimal cast and limited locations, the story remains intriguing and delivers thrills. However, the movie falls short of its full potential, and the humour at times feels trivial and hampers the engagement.
The performances by the cast, primarily newcomers, are commendable. Vikas and Shanthi Priya, as the lead pair, deliver decent performances, while Satya provides a touch of humour. The supporting cast, though limited, portrays their roles well within the scope provided.
On the technical front, the cinematography could have been better. Music by Nizani Anjan, particularly the songs "Ninnele Ninnele" sung by KS Chithra & Yazin Nizar and "Andamaa" sung by Javed Ali & Sunitha Upadrasta, stands out.
Darshini is likely to appeal to thriller enthusiasts who enjoy science fiction elements. While the film has its share of flaws, overlooking these can make it a decent watch.