Story: Surya (Satyadev Kancharana), a diligent bank employee, finds himself caught in a whirlwind of chaos after helping his girlfriend Swathi (Priya Bhavani Shankar) to rectify a significant banking error. What starts as a simple fix spirals into a dangerous conflict with Aadhi (Daali Dhananjaya), a gangster-turned-business magnate. As their paths cross, a web of events and unexpected players unravel. Can Surya outsmart his adversaries and escape the mess? And in the grand scheme of things, what is Aadhi truly after?
Review: Zebra, directed by Eashvar Karthic, offers an action-comedy thriller that brings together the combined star power of Satyadev and Dhananjaya. Set against the backdrop of the banking industry’s ties to crime and business, the film crafts an engaging narrative with its share of twists and quirky moments. While the storyline is compelling, the film would have benefited from a tighter narrative. Some subplots feel unnecessary, which occasionally dilutes the impact of the main plot.
Satyadev impresses once again with his portrayal of Surya, seamlessly transitioning from a meticulous banker to a man entangled in a web of peril. Dhananjaya, as Aadhi, is both suave and intimidating, serving as a compelling and thrilling counterbalance. Together, Satyadev and Dhananjaya are a treat to watch, delivering standout performances that elevate the film. Priya Bhavani Shankar adds emotional depth to the narrative as Swathi, while Amrutha Iyengar enriches Aadhi’s arc with her portrayal of Aradhya.
The supporting cast also delivers entertaining performances. Satya’s turn as Buddy Bob injects humour into the tense narrative, while Sunil as MG adds a touch of caricatured villainy. Satyaraj’s A to Y Baba is amusingly eccentric and characters like Snake Sheela played by Jennifer Piccinato round out the ensemble with solid contributions.
Ravi Basrur’s music amplifies the film’s tension, Sathya Ponmar’s cinematography enhances its visual appeal, and Anil Krish’s editing ensures a cohesive flow, even with a slightly stretched runtime of just under 165 minutes. Karthic’s inventive character introductions and visual choices bring a refreshing touch to the storytelling.
Though reminiscent of recent financial thrillers like Lucky Baskher and Matka, Zebra keeps its audience engaged with its situational humour, heightened drama, unexpected twists, and a unique approach to storytelling.
Zebra is an entertaining action thriller that thrives on the electric performances of Satyadev and Dhananjaya. Despite some narrative flaws, the film stands out for its engaging storyline, quirky treatment, and some memorable characters.